Desk Study & Ground Investigation at Former Scrap Yard, Herefordshire

January 2017

In January 2017 EMS Geotech undertook a Desk Study and Ground Investigation for a proposed residential development of a former scrap yard in Herefordshire. It was in response to a contaminated land planning condition stating that a Phase One Desk Study and subsequent ground investigations were requireD at the site.

EMS Geotech - Case Studies

A site walkover inspection by an experienced geo-environmental engineer found that the site was currently used as a parking and storage area for vehicles with a small section of grass fuels. A review of the site history found that the site had previously been a nursery before being used as a scrap yard. Based on this, the Desk Study Report identified various contaminants of concern including heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides and asbestos. Intrusive investigation was required to ascertain the contamination status of the site.

The intrusive Ground Investigation comprised of machine excavated trial pits with contamination sampling for subsequent laboratory testing. Soils were also screened for VOCs with a with a photo-ionisation detector (PID). Elevated levels of lead were found across the site.

EMS recommended that clean soil cover layers were placed in all proposed garden areas and that hydrocarbon vapour resistant membranes were installed in all proposed buildings.